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  • Registration


    Help us prepare for the 2025–26 school year! Sign in to your parent SchoolZone account between  8 a.m. on February 3 and 4 p.m. on March 19 to select your child’s preferred school. 

    Whether your child is staying at the same school or changing schools, all students need to pre-enroll. Knowing how many students to expect helps schools prepare to welcome them in September. 

    If you need help, contact the school or read the pre-enrolment handout


    If you are registering for Kindergarten or if you are new to Edmonton Public Schools, you must register online. Visit the Division website to learn how to register for school.

    Not sure which school is your designated school? Put your address in the Find a School Tool.

    If you have questions about registering, contact the school office.



    Please Notes that Donald R. Getty is a Level 3 School
    Schools at Level 3:
    ✔ have reached capacity
    ✔ have a lottery process in place
    ✔ cannot guarantee admission for new students

    Enrolment priorities
    If a Level 3 school does not have space in a grade for all resident students in the attendance area, a lottery process will
    be used for new students in this order:
    1. Resident* students in the attendance area who have a sibling* at the school returning next year
    2. Resident students from the attendance area
    3. Resident students outside the attendance area who have a sibling at the school returning next year

    Lottery process at Donald R. Getty School

    Edmonton Public Schools reviews enrolment and programs at schools each fall to monitor growth and see where schools are on the Growth Control Model. After reviewing enrolment this fall, Edmonton Public Schools determined Donald R. Getty School is a Level 3 school and is implementing a lottery process for new resident students enrolling at the school for 2025–26. This will not impact current students who attend the school.

    The school will not accept new registrations from families in the attendance area if the student is not a resident student of Edmonton Public Schools. A student is considered a resident of Edmonton Public Schools if they have at least one parent or legal guardian who lives in Edmonton who is not Roman Catholic.

    Resident students who aren’t selected through the lottery process can attend their overflow designated school, George P. Nicholson ( gr. K-6) and D.S. MacKenzie (gr. 7-9), a Division school with space in planned classes, or remain at their current school.

    Siblings of current students attending the school
    New resident students from the attendance area with a sibling who is returning to the school next year will get priority but are not guaranteed to attend.

    More information about the lottery process

    Watch the Growth Control Model video for an overview of the lottery process. You can also read more about the lottery process on epsb.ca. If you have any other questions, please contact our school office at (587) 489-4708.





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  • Community


    Donald R. Getty K-9  School is located in the Chappelle Neighbourhood and serves the Chappelle West community as the primary attendance area.

    Garth Worthington School K-9 School opened September, 2021 and provides community learning school for families in the Chappelle East community of Heritage Hills. 

    At Donald R. Getty School we are embracing the community as it evolves and is being built. New partnerships are being created that serve our students as they grow and change.

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  • School Supply Lists 2024-25

    School Supply Lists 2024-25

    School Supply Lists

    Families, you can purchase the school supplies listed below directly from School Start or you may utilize the same list to purchase your supplies locally. Remember, you can purchase parts of the additional section if your child already has supplies that are in good order from a previous year - please save money and the environment. 

    Order early, and you will be entered in one or more contests! 

    See below for 2024-2025 Supply Lists by Grade

    Supply Lists

    Kindergarten School Supply List 2024-25

    Grade 1 School Supply List 2024-25

    Grade 2 School Supply List 2024-25

    Grade 3 School Supply List 2024-25

    Grade 4 School Supply List 2024-25

    Grade 5 School Supply List 2024-25

    Grade 6 School Supply List 2024-25

    Opportunity School Supply List 2024-25

    Junior High School Supply List 2024-25




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  • Full in Grades 5,  6, and 7 for 2024-25

    Full in Grades 5, 6, and 7 for 2024-25

    For the 2024 - 2025 school year, Donald R. Getty School is full in Grades 5,  6, and 7 classes in the regular program. We will only accept resident students who have newly moved into the school’s attendance area for the regular program in these grades. A resident student of Edmonton Public Schools has at least one parent or legal guardian living in Edmonton who is not Roman Catholic. Non-resident students can enroll in another division school with space in planned classes.

    Students who are new to Edmonton Public Schools can register online.


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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.


Full in Grades 5, 6, and 7 for 2024-25

For the 2024 - 2025 school year, Donald R. Getty School is full in Grades 5,  6, and 7 classes in the regular program. We will only accept resident students who have newly moved into the school’s attendance area for the regular program in these grades. A resident student of Edmonton Public Schools has at least one parent or legal guardian living in Edmonton who is not Roman Catholic. Non-resident students can enroll in another division school with space in planned classes.

Students who are new to Edmonton Public Schools can register online.



Principal's Message

At Donald R. Getty school, we strive to create high quality learning experiences for our students. We believe that every child has unique gifts and talents and that these should be recognized and shared as a part of creating a safe, welcoming, and inclusive school community.

Our school philosophy is built around three core words. Respectful. Active. Healthy. Our staff works collaboratively to help students embody these three values each and every day. We know that significant learning happens when students have positive and healthy relationships with their teachers and school staff in addition to those they have with their parents/guardians. Our students are encouraged to do their best and to learn from their mistakes. This learning allows them to develop and enhance their ability to be respectful, and responsible, and to form healthy relationships.

Communication between home and school is also critical to the success of our students. Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns you might have. In addition to phone calls and email, we use SchoolZone to share important information with our families. 

Thank you for joining us at Donald R. Getty!  We look forward to working alongside you and your child as they pursue their educational journey.


Scott Markine



Lottery Process at Donald R. Getty School

Edmonton Public Schools reviews enrolment and programs at schools each fall to monitor growth and see where schools are on the Growth Control Model. After reviewing enrolment this fall, Edmonton Public Schools determined Donald R. Getty School is a Level 3 school and is implementing a lottery process for new resident students enrolling at the school for 2025–26. This will not impact current students who attend the school.

The school will not accept new registrations from families in the attendance area if the student is not a resident student of Edmonton Public Schools. A student is considered a resident of Edmonton Public Schools if they have at least one parent or legal guardian who lives in Edmonton who is not Roman Catholic.

Resident students who aren’t selected through the lottery process can attend their overflow designated school, George P. Nicholson ( gr. K-6) and D.S. MacKenzie (gr. 7-9), a Division school with space in planned classes, or remain at their current school.

Siblings of current students attending the school
New resident students from the attendance area with a sibling who is returning to the school next year will get priority but are not guaranteed to attend.

More information about the lottery process

Watch the Growth Control Model video for an overview of the lottery process. You can also read more about the lottery process on epsb.ca. If you have any other questions, please contact our school office at (587) 489-4708.